Liquid UI - Documentation - 6.2 Handling HTTP Errors in Web Server

6.2 Handling HTTP Errors in Web Server

You may encounter the following error when running the GuiXT Web Server:

error - 1 binding tcp http server
	httpsrv: accept error 10022
	httpsrv: accept error 10022
	httpsrv: accept error 10022

This error means that the selected webport base is already in use. To resolve this error, please do the following.

  1. Open the config.js file in a text editor such as Notepad. The Config.js file is located in the following location:

    C:\Program Files\Synactive Inc\GuiXTFuzion\wwwroot\guixt4web
  2. Find the following entry in the config.js file:

    const DEF_WEBPORT_BASE = "80"
  3. Change the value '80' to a different port number. We recommend choosing a port that is not normally in use, such as port 85.

  4. Save your changes and restart Web Server. The error should no longer appear.

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