Liquid UI - Documentation - 5.01.01 Standard Implementation

5.01.01 Standard Implementation

The standard implementation for Offline is one in which a user would install Offline and then may also need to manually configure the parameters via the config.js files previously discussed. It is not always necessary to manually configure the config.js file; often the default parameters plus the user name and connection information input via the Connection Screen are sufficient. Once the installation is properly configured, the user would then need to build the following:

  • Create transaction objects for any SAP transactions that will be performed
  • Create a database object that will in turn create the database for the given transaction.
  • Create the necessary screens for the given transaction by using screen objects. It is necessary to create as many screens as the transaction in question requires
  • Screen elements in the given screens are then mapped to the columns in the database for that transaction

Creating Transaction Object

As an example, we will first create a transaction object. This particular transaction object refers to a work order and takes the work order's transaction code as an argument.

objSelWkdr = new SR3TransactionObject(strWorkOrderTCode); 

Building a Database

We then build a database for this new transaction object. In our example, we are building a database that will hold a range of work order transaction codes:

{fieldname:"g_wo_no",columntitle:"Work-OrderNumber",columnwidth:8,fieldtype:DBF_STRING,fieldlength:10,keytype:DBT_NON_PRIMARY_KEY,columntype:CTRL_TABLE_EDIT,columnstate:CTRL_CS_ENABLE },
{fieldname:"g_sys_status_info",columntitle:"StatusInfo",columnwidth:10,fieldtype:DBF_STRING,fieldlength:28,keytype:DBT_NON_PRIMARY_KEY,columntype:CTRL_TABLE_EDIT,columnstate:CTRL_CS_ENABLE },
{fieldname:"g_order_info_second",columntitle:"ord-infosec",columnwidth:8,fieldtype:DBF_STRING,fieldlength:8,keytype:DBT_NON_PRIMARY_KEY,columntype:CTRL_TABLE_EDIT,columnstate:CTRL_CS_ENABLE} ]);

Creating Screens

After creating the database, it is necessary to create the screens for a given transaction. These screens, as defined previously, are built using screen objects. The screen objects are defined as follows:

{type:SCR_CAPTION,label:"Work Order List"},
{type:SCR_TABLE,caption:"View and Select Work Orders",position:{top:0,left:0,bottom:10,right:54},linkedtableinfo:strWorkOrderTCode,linkedshowinfo:["g_wo_no","g_wo_activity","g_order_info_third","g_wo_location"],fieldname:UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME},
{type:SCR_ONAPPKEY,keyid:SHIFT + F5,keylabel:"@3D@Configure",keytooltip:KEYTOOLTIP_ONLINE,callback:navigate_transaction,args:[strWorkOrderTCode,2,true]},
{type:SCR_ONAPPKEY,keyid:SHIFT + F2,keylabel:"@0H@Download",fieldname:"g_dwnldwkdr",keytooltip:KEYTOOLT IP_ONLINE,callback:download_wkdr},

The screen we created is the screen holding a table that will list all the work orders that the user can select. Art this point, we have only built an empty database - there is no data yet contained within the database. To download the data from SAP, it is necessary to build the screen into which the user can enter the parameters defining what data will be downloaded from SAP. This step is optional - if a user wishes to narrow the range of data to be downloaded from SAP, it is possible, but it is also possible to download all data without specifying any ranges at all. The screen where a user can define the parameters of the data to be downloaded is as follows:

{type:SCR_CAPTION,label:"Configuration Screen"},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Work order",position:{row:1,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_mobile_wo",maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Plant",position:{row:2,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_plant",maxtextlength:10, required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Work Center",position:{row:3,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_work_ctr",maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Functional Location",position:{row:4,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_mobile_floc",maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Order Type",position:{row:6,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_mobile_otype", maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"Download Rows",position:{row:11,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_download_rows",maxtextlength:10,required:1},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"From Date",position:{row:8,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_mobile_from_date",maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_EDIT,label:"To Date",position:{row:9,col:1,edcol:20,edlen:10},fieldname:"z_mobile_to_date",maxtextlength:10,required:0},
{type:SCR_ONFKEY,keyid:EVENT_FKEY_CANCEL,keylabel:"Cancel",keytooltip:"Cancel", callback:SR3GenericFunctionKeyF12Cancel},

Downloading Data from SAP

The next piece of code that will need to be added is the actual function that performs the download of the data from SAP. The sample download function shown in the example below includes the generic download function 'SR3GenericDownloadProcessConfigurable' as defined earlier in this document. It also includes code that will refresh the onscreen table and includes variables that can hold the user's logon credential as well:

function download_wkdr() 
System.TraceOutput(">>> download_wkdr()...\n"); //user logon credentials
var xusr = SR3_arConnections
var x pwd = SR3_arConnections [this.m_CurrentTransaction.m_strConnectionName].m_strLogonPassword;
var dpwd = System.Decrypt(xpwd);
//generic download function
var arDLResult = (this,S1,xusr,dpwd,"wkdr",arCriteria,["g_wo_no","g_wo_activity"]); //refreshes table if one exists
var vTableDefinition = this.findTableDefinition();
var objTableControl = this.m_RealTimeScreen.FindTableListControl( vTableDefinit, vTableDefinition.position.left); if (objTableControl != null)
objTableControl = null; if (this.createTableListControl(vTableDefinition) == false) {
this.onSendScreen(false,"Downloaded: "+(arDLResult[0]) + "/" +(arDLResult[0]));

Once the data is downloaded, the user can then commence to modify or otherwise work on the data in question.

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