Liquid UI - Documentation - 12.04 Dynamic layout changing

12.04 Dynamic layout changing



Learn how to change the layout of the screen based on the steps followed in the process to create a work order. You will see four steps and can navigate to back and forth in the process. We will walk you through the following steps.

  1. Delete unnecessary screen elements
  2. Change screen title
  3. Add four pushbuttons
  4. Add arrows between the step pushbuttons
  5. Add a function to reset the variables
  6. Add a function to change the layout variable values dynamically
  7. Add a function to display Order saved
  8. Add a function to change layout

//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing SAP Easy Access screen SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs
//Now let's start adding the content to the above file

  1. Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen.

  2. Change the title of the SAP easy access screen as Create Work Order.
    // changes title of the screen
    title("Create Work Order");

  3. Add four pushbuttons with titles as Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and Step 4. These steps are used to create a Order.
    //Creates four pushbuttons with dynamic size value based on the step followed 
     pushbutton([1,2], "&V[lp_btn_icon_step1]Step 1", "?",{"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"1"}, "size":[lp_btn_height_step1,20]});
     pushbutton([1,30], "&V[lp_btn_icon_step2]Step 2", "?",{"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"2"}, "size":[lp_btn_height_step2,20]});
     pushbutton([1,58], "&V[lp_btn_icon_step3]Step 3", "?",{"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"3"}, "size":[lp_btn_height_step3,20]});
     pushbutton([1,86], "&V[lp_btn_icon_step4]Step 4", "?",{"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"4"}, "size":[lp_btn_height_step4,20]}); 

  4. Add three forward icons between the pushbuttons displayed.
    //Creates an icon at the specified coordinates
    text([1,25], "@9T@");
    text([1,53], "@9T@");
    text([1,81], "@9T@

  5. Add a function to reset the variables to default values.
    //Function to reset all variables to default value
    function lpReset(){
    //Declare an empty string
        var empty_string = "";                    
        //Reset all button icon to empty
        lp_btn_icon_step1 = "";                    
        lp_btn_icon_step2 = "";        
        lp_btn_icon_step3 = "";        
        lp_btn_icon_step4 = "";     
       //Reset all button height to 1
        lp_btn_height_step1 = 1;                
        lp_btn_height_step2 = 1;
        lp_btn_height_step3 = 1;
        lp_btn_height_step4 = 1; 
    //Set initial layout as 1  
        lp_layout = 1;          
    //Set button 1 icon as selected                  
        lp_btn_icon_step1 = "@AF@";   
    //Set button 1 height as 2            
        lp_btn_height_step1 = 2; 
    //Reset textbox copytext({"fromstring":"empty_string", "totext":"iw31_text"}); }

  6. Add a function to change the layout variable values of the screen dynamically.
    // Function to change value for layout and variables to corresponding selection
    function lpChangeLayout(param){
    //Copy passed parameter
        var cur_selection = param.l_select; 
    //Reset all button icon           
        set("V[lp_btn_icon_step*]", "");            
        lp_btn_height_step1 = 1;    
    //Reset all button height                
        lp_btn_height_step2 = 1;
        lp_btn_height_step3 = 1;
        lp_btn_height_step4 = 1;   
        lp_layout = cur_selection;     
    //Set button icon              
    //Set button height      

  7. Add a function to save the details and display message.
    //Function to save the detail and reset all variables
    function lpSaveOrder(){
        //Add save function at here
      //Reset all variables after save
    //Display custom success message                         
        message("S:Order is created");                

  8. Click the required step to change the screen layout and to continue the process.
    if(! lp_layout){        
        //Default all variables if layout value is not set 
        //Default all variables
    if(lp_layout == 1){ box([3,2], [9,105], "Step 1 - General Data"); inputfield([4,4], "Order Type", [4,20], {"name":"iw31_order_type", "size":4}); inputfield([5,4], "Plant", [5,20], {"name":"iw31_plant", "size":4}); inputfield([6,4], "Business Area", [6,20], {"name":"iw31_bus_area", "size":4}); inputfield([8,4], "Reference Order", [8,20], {"name":"iw31_ref_order", "size":12}); box([4,50], [8,102], "Person Responsible"); inputfield([5,52], "Planner Group", [5,68], {"name":"iw31_planner_grp", "size":3}); inputfield([5,73], "/", [5,75], {"name":"iw31_plant", "size":4, "readonly":true}); inputfield([6,52], "Main Wrk. Ctr.", [6,68], {"name":"iw31_main_wrk_ctr", "size":8}); inputfield([6,78], "/", [6,80], {"name":"iw31_main_wrk_ctr_plant", "size":4}); inputfield([7,52], "Person Res.", [7,68], {"name":"iw31_bus_area", "size":4}); pushbutton([10,90], "@9T@Next", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"2"}, "size":[1,15]}); } else if(lp_layout == 2){ box([3,2], [9,105], "Step 2 - Date and Reference"); inputfield([4,4], "Basic Start", [4,20], {"name":"iw31_basic_start", "size":10, "date":true}); inputfield([5,4], "Basic Fin.", [5,20], {"name":"iw31_basic_fin", "size":10, "date":true}); inputfield([6,4], "Priority", [6,20], {"name":"iw31_priority", "size":20}); inputfield([8,4], "PMActType", [8,20], {"name":"iw31_ref_order", "size":3}); box([4,50], [8,102], "Reference object"); inputfield([5,52], "Func. Loc.", [5,68], {"name":"iw31_func_loc", "size":18, "maxlength":40}); inputfield([6,52], "Equipment", [6,68], {"name":"iw31_equip", "size":18, "maxlength":40}); inputfield([7,52], "Assembly", [7,68], {"name":"iw31_assembly", "size":18, "maxlength":40}); pushbutton([10,70], "@9S@Previous", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"1"}, "size":[1,15]}); pushbutton([10,90], "@9T@Next", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"3"}, "size":[1,15]});
    } else if(lp_layout == 3){ box([3,2], [9,105], "Step 3 - Location"); inputfield([4,4], "Maint. Plant", [4,20], {"name":"iw31_maint_plant", "size":4}); inputfield([5,4], "Location", [5,20], {"name":"iw31_location", "size":10}); inputfield([6,4], "Room", [6,20], {"name":"iw31_room", "size":8}); inputfield([7,4], "Plant section", [7,20], {"name":"iw31_plant_section", "size":3}); inputfield([8,4], "Work center", [8,20], {"name":"iw31_work_center", "size":8}); pushbutton([10,70], "@9S@Previous", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"2"}, "size":[1,15]}); pushbutton([10,90], "@9T@Next", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"4"}, "size":[1,15]});
    } else{ box([3,2], [9,105], "Step 4 - Extra Description"); textbox([4,4], [9,76], {"name":"iw31_text"}); pushbutton([10,70], "@9S@Previous", "?", {"process":lpChangeLayout, "using":{"l_select":"3"}, "size":[1,15]}); pushbutton([10,90], "@2L@Save", "?", {"process":lpSaveOrder, "size":[1,15]});

  9. On the final step, you will see the Save button to save the details entered in all the steps.


This article is part of the Liquid UI Variables tutorial.

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