Liquid UI - Documentation - 10.07 Get first visible row and last visible row values from a listscreen

10.07 Get first visible row and last visible row values from a listscreen



Learn how to read data from a list on an SAP screen. And, display the listscreen’s first and last visible row values into the created input fields with a pushbutton created on an SAP screen. We’ll walk you through the following steps:

  1. Delete the image container from the SAP Easy Access screen using the del command.
  2. Add a toolbar pushbutton to call the function
  3. Add four input fields to display the values
  4. Add a pushbutton to call the function
  5. Add a function to read the list screen data

User Interface

//Create this file inside your script folder for adding functionality to the SAP Easy Access screen: SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs
//Now, let's start adding the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.


  1. Logon to SAP and delete the image container using the del command on the SAP Easy Access screen, as shown below.
    // Deletes an image container on the easy access screen

  2. Now, add four input fields to display the first and last visible row values with labels as Material, Description, Deliv. date, and Plant, as shown in the image below.
    //Creates input fields with labels as  Material, Description, Deliv. date, and Plant to display the values.
    inputfield([3,0], "Material", [1,16], {"size":18, "name":"z_me56_matl", "readonly":true});
    inputfield([2,0], "Description", [2,16], {"size":40, "name":"z_me56_desc", "readonly":true});
    inputfield([3,0], "Deliv. date", [3,16], {"size":10, "name":"z_me56_deldate", "readonly":true});
    inputfield([4,0], "Plant", [4,16], {"size":4, "name":"z_me56_plant", "readonly":true});
  3. Add a pushbutton with the label Read List Data to call the function readListData when clicked.
    //Creates a pushbutton with label as Read List Data to display the values on click.
    pushbutton([0,0], "ME56 - Read List Data", "/nME56", {"process":readListData});
  4. Now, add the following Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.
    // Function to trim blank spaces at the end of the string
    String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')};

    // Function to check if the string value is blank
    function isBlank(jvar){
    if(typeof jvar == 'string') {
    jvar = jvar.trim();
    if(typeof jvar == 'undefined') {
    jvar = '';
    return(jvar == 'undefined' || jvar == undefined || jvar == null || jvar == "" || jvar == void 0);

    *** Use this function to read a single line out of a list screen.
    *** This function can only be used to read data rows that are visible on the current screen, and not header rows or other rows.
    *** format: readListString(<OPTION>,<FIRST_DATA_ROW_NUMBER--OPTIONAL>);
    <OPTION>: Integer specifying an absolute row number
    'last' specifying the last row of data in the list
    'lastvisible' specifying the last row of data on the current page
    *** eg: var listString = readListString(5,3); // This will return the data in row 5 of the page
    *** var listString = readListString('last',3); // This will return the last data row
    *** var listString = readListString('lastvisible',3); //This will return the data of last row on the current page

    To display the values of 'last' and 'lastvisible' rows, we used the WS variables _listlastrow and _listlastvisiblerow. These variables return the last row number and the last visible row number without considering the header rows of the list table.
    For example, if there is 1 row of headers, and the table data rows start at line 3 (headers rows will be 0,1,2), then you will need to pass 3 as the 2nd argument in your function.

    If firstDataRow is not passed in, it will be calculated as the row after 644444... which denotes |------ junction
    function readListString(row,firstDataRow){
    retString = "";
    value = "";
    set("V[firstVisRow]", _listfirstvisiblerow);
    set("V[lastVisRow]", _listlastvisiblerow);
    set("V[lastRow]", _listlastrow);

    firstVisRow = parseInt(firstVisRow,10);
    lastVisRow = parseInt(lastVisRow,10);
    lastRow = parseInt(lastRow,10);

    if (firstDataRow == void 0 || isBlank(firstDataRow.toString().trim())){
    nRow = 1;
    for (var iRow = 0; iRow < nRow; iRow++){
    objReeb = <"#["+iRow.toString()+",0]">;
    if ( != void 0 &&'644444')>-1){
    firstDataRow = iRow + 1;

    if (row != 'lastvisible' && row != 'last'){
    if ((row > lastRow + firstDataRow - 1) || (row < firstDataRow)){
    return ('E: Cannot find data');
    goto SCRIPT_END;

    // if the firstDataRow is provided, check if the user is trying to read the lastRow or lastVisibleRow.
    if (firstDataRow != void 0 && !isBlank(firstDataRow.toString().trim())){
    if (row == 'last' || row == 'lastvisible'){
    if (row == 'last'){
    row = lastRow;
    } else if (row == 'lastvisible'){
    row = lastVisRow;
    row = parseInt(row,10);
    row += firstDataRow - 1;

    if ((row < (lastVisRow + firstDataRow)) && (row >= (firstVisRow + firstDataRow - 1))){
    //data to be read is on the same page.
    //adjust row number - must be relative to the current page
    row = row - firstVisRow + 1;
    } else if (row >= (lastVisRow + firstDataRow)){ //scroll page down
    goto SCRIPT_END;
    } else { // scroll page up
    goto SCRIPT_END;

    for (var col=0; col<1000; col++){
    var objReeb = <"#["+row+","+col+"]">;
    if (objReeb.isValid){
    if ( == '5'|| isBlank({
    retString += value + ' ';
    value = "";
    } else if ( != lastReebName){
    value =;
    lastReebName = value;


    // Function to navigate to ME56 and read the list screen data
    function readListData(){
    onscreen 'RM06BZ00.1000' // ME56 Transaction

    onscreen 'RM06BL00.0120'
    var listidx=5;
    var listString1 = readListString(listidx,3);
    var listString2 = readListString(listidx+1,3);


SAP Process

  1. Refresh the SAP Easy Access screen. Now, click the Read List Data pushbutton that calls the readListData function, and then display the first and last visible row values from a list screen into the created input fields, as shown in the following image.

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