Liquid UI - Documentation - 15.01 Get required sales order data from SAP table

15.01 Get required sales order data from SAP table



In this article, you will learn how to retrieve and display sales order data on the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen from its Overview screen. To retrieve data from the input fields and table. We'll walk you through the following steps.

  1. Delete unnecessary screen elements on the SAP screen using del()
  2. Add a pushbutton to reset values
  3. Add a group box to place the sales order data
  4. Add input fields to place the sales order data
  5. Create a group box with variable coordinates to change the boxsize
  6. Add a function to clear field values
  7. Perform enter to execute a function
  8. Add a function to retrieve and display values


User Interface

//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing Display Sales Order screen SAPMV45A.E0102.sjs
//Now, let's start adding the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.


  1. Logon to SAP. Navigate to the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen (VA03) and delete the Search Criteria group box using the del command, as shown below.

    //Deletes Search Criteria group box
    del("G[Search Criteria]");
  2. Add a toolbar pushbutton with title as Reset to execute clearValues function on click.

    //Creates a toolbar pushbutton with label Reset
    pushbutton([TOOLBAR], "Reset", "?", {"process":clearValues});
  3. Add a group box with title as Sales Order Data, as shown below:

    //Creates a Sales Order Data groupbox using the row and column coordinates 
    box([4,0], [10,40], "Sales Order Data");
  4. Add five non-editable input fields with labels as Standard OrderSold-to Party, Ship-to Party, PO Number, and PO date to display the values of the Sales Order data group box, as shown below.

    // Creates five non-editable input fields 
    inputfield([5,2],"Standard Order",[5,17], {"size":10, "readonly":true, "name":"z_va03_standard_order"}); inputfield([6,2],"Sold-to Party",[6,17], {"size":10, "readonly":true, "name":"z_va03_sold_to"}); inputfield([7,2],"Ship-to Party",[7,17], {"size":10, "readonly":true, "name":"z_va03_ship_to"}); inputfield([8,2],"PO Number",[8,17], {"size":22, "readonly":true, "name":"z_va03_po_number", "maxlength":35}); inputfield([9,2],"PO date", [9,17], {"size":10, "readonly":true, "name":"z_va03_po_date"});
  5. Now, initialize a variable and create a group box with variable coordinates to change the size based on the All items table data.

    // Initialize z_item_toal
    if(!z_item_toal){ z_item_toal = 0; } // Use z_item_toal to dynamically create the box size and run the for loop
    box([4,42], [6+z_item_toal,90], "All items");
    for(i=1; i<z_item_toal; i++){ inputfield([5+i,44], {"nolabel":true, "readonly":true, "size":6, "name":"z_va03_item_&V[i]"}); inputfield([5+i,52], {"nolabel":true, "readonly":true, "size":18, "name":"z_va03_desc_&V[i]"}); inputfield([5+i,72], {"nolabel":true, "readonly":true, "size":15, "name":"z_va03_mat_&V[i]"}); }
  6. Add a function to clear all the data in the input fields and group box.

    //This function clears all variables we use, triggered on the pushbutton "Reset"
    function clearValues(){
        set("V[z*]", "");
  7. OnUIEvents command triggers the function va03_execute on performing Enter.

  8. Add a function titled function va03_execute to display the sales order data from the Display Sales Order: Overview screen to Initial Screen using table scroll logic, as defined below:

    // This function will go to the next screen, grab the data and come back to the initial Sales Order screen
    function va03_execute(){ // Use an onmessage to capture any error the user may enter
    onmessage if(_message.substring(0,2)=="E:"){ message(_message); enter("?"); goto FUNC_END; } else{ enter(); // In case there is a warning message
    } onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001' // Grab the Sales Order Data set("V[z_va03_standard_order]","&F[Standard Order]"); set("V[z_va03_sold_to]","&F[Sold-to party]"); set("V[z_va03_ship_to]","&F[Ship-to party]"); set("V[z_va03_po_number]","&F[PO Number]"); set("V[z_va03_po_date]","&F[PO date]"); // Table Scroll begins here absrow = 1; relrow = 1; z_item_toal = 0; // Fetch the table attributes gettableattribute("T[All items]", {"firstvisiblerow":"FVisRow", "lastvisiblerow":"LVisRow", "lastrow":"LastRow"}); new_screen:; // Scroll to the absolute row enter("/ScrollToLine=&V[absrow]", {"table":"T[All items]"}); onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001' // Refetch table attributes, in case they might of changed gettableattribute("T[All items]", {"firstvisiblerow":"FVisRow", "lastvisiblerow":"LVisRow", "lastrow":"LastRow"}); // Reset the relevant row relrow = 1; // reset the relative row with a new screen new_row:; if(absrow>LVisRow){ // end of the screen? goto new_screen; } if(absrow>LastRow){ // end of the table? goto end_of_table; } // Grab the values we want from the row set("V[z_va03_item_&V[absrow]]","&cell[All items,Item,&V[relrow]]"); set("V[z_va03_desc_&V[absrow]]","&cell[All items,Description,&V[relrow]]"); set("V[z_va03_mat_&V[absrow]]","&cell[All items,Material,&V[relrow]]"); // Increment out counters z_item_toal++; absrow++; relrow++; goto new_row; end_of_table:; // Scroll back to the top of the table enter("/ScrollToLine=1", {"table":"T[All items]"}); onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001' // Go back to the initial screen enter("/3"); FUNC_END:; }

SAP Process

  1. Enter an order number in the Order input field and click Continue to view the sales order details in the respective input fields, as shown below.
  2. Click the Reset toolbar pushbutton to clear all the displayed sales order details, as shown below.

Next Steps

Add a new column into an SAP table
Learn how to add a column with field values in the SAP table.

10 min.

This article is part of the Liquid UI Variables tutorial.

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