Liquid UI - Documentation - 1.1 Web Server Introduction and Overview

1.1 Web Server Introduction and Overview

GuiXT Web Server provides a centralized, browser-based mechanism to deploy GuiXT to Web-based and smart phone clients. Web Server also serves as a central repository for your GuiXT scripts and delivers simplified SAP processes and transactions. In addition, you can use Web Server in conjunction with such third-party applications as Adobe PDF forms and Microsoft SharePoint. The technical documentation for the Web Server contains the following topics:

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Features
  • Deployment
  • Appendices


The benefits provided by GuiXT Server include a eliminating any need for Java or ABAP coding, data retrieval without reloading the entire page which reduces network traffic and URL creation for iViews, enabling access from almost anywhere. GuiXT Web Server can be used in conjunction with the WebUI and Access solution suites, as well as being integrated with other solutions. For example, data in PDF forms can be sent to SAP directly or through a portal such as SharePoint. For the Desktop solution suite, users will use the GuiXT Server instead of the Web Server.

Beginning with the release, GuiXT Web Server includes support for the HTML5 standard. The following web browsers are supported with HTML5.

  • Chrome 28 or newer
  • Firefox 22 or newer
  • Safari 6.0 or newer
  • Internet Explorer 10 or newer

In addition, this release supports switching styles when you are using SAP with WebUI. The supported styles are as follows.

  • 2010
  • Classic
  • Liquid

To switch styles, add the style as a part of the WebUI link in your browser. The code would be '&style=<style_name>' An example using the 'liquid' style is shown below.


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