Liquid UI - Documentation - 9.04 Get current date in a specific format in SAP

9.04 Get current date in a specific format in SAP



Learn how to get today's date in user's date format with a pushbutton created on an SAP screen. We will walk you through the following steps.

  1. Delete unnecessary screen elements
  2. Create an input field to display the current date
  3. Add a pushbutton to call the function that displays the current date
  4. Create a function to remove blank spaces from variable values
  5. Create a function to get today’s date in the user’s date format
  6. Create a function to pad a string with characters

User Interface

Create this file inside your script folder for customizing SAP Easy Access screen SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs
//Now, let's start adding the following script content to the above file.

  1. Open SAP Easy Access screen and delete the image container on it, as shown below:
    // Deletes an image container on SAP Easy Access screen 
  2. Add an input field to display the current date.
    // Creates an input field with the label as Date to display the date. 
    inputfield( [2,4], "Date", [2,16],{"name":"z_todaydate", "size":10});
  3. Add a pushbutton to call the function, when clicked.
    // Creates a pushbutton with the label as Get Today's Date to call a function, when clicked. 
    pushbutton([4,8], "Get Today's Date","/nsu3",{"size":[2,22], "process":today_date});
  4. Now, add the following Liquid UI script to this file, and save the file.
    function today_date(){ 
    Maintain User Profile
    onscreen 'SAPLSUID_MAINTENANCE.1100'

    // Maintain User Profile
    onscreen 'SAPLSUID_MAINTENANCE.1100'
    set("V[z_dateformat]", "&F[Date format]");
    z_dateformat = z_dateformat.trim();
    z_todaydate = getTodaysDate(z_dateformat);

    //Function prototypes, to remove blank spaces from variable values
    String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
    //Function to get today's date with user format
    function getTodaysDate(dformat) {
    var z_date = new Date();
    var str = "";
    case '1':
    str = padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "." + padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "." + z_date.getFullYear();

    case '2':
    str = padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "/" + padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "/" + z_date.getFullYear();

    case '3':
    str = padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "-" + padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "-" + z_date.getFullYear();

    case '4':
    str = z_date.getFullYear() + "." + padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "." + padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0");

    case '5':
    str = z_date.getFullYear() + "/" + padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "/" + padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0");

    case '6':
    str = z_date.getFullYear() + "-" + padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + "-" + padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0");
    case '7':
    str = padString(z_date.getDate(),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") + padString((z_date.getMonth()+1),2,PADDING_LEFT,"0") +z_date.getFullYear();
    return str;
    //Function to pad a string with characters
    const PADDING_LEFT = 0;
    const PADDING_RIGHT = 1;
    function padString(source,length,direction,character) {
    var loop;
    var output = "";
    var sourceLength = 0;
    if(z_source) {
    sourceLength = z_source.length;

    switch(direction) {
    case PADDING_LEFT:
    for(loop = 0; loop < (length - sourceLength); loop++) {
    output += character;
    output = output + z_source;

    for(loop = 0; loop < (length - sourceLength); loop++) {
    output += character;
    output = z_source + output;
    return output;

SAP Process
  1. Now, refresh the SAP screen, and click the Get Today's Date pushbutton. Then, you will get today’s date displayed on the input field Date, as shown in the image below.

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