Liquid UI - Documentation - 15.06 Sort table values based on column

15.06 Sort table values based on column



In this article, you will learn how the insertion algorithm is used to sort items in a table, by creating a class. Sorting facilitates the search process and arranges the data in a systematic form that allows more efficient analysis. And, is a common process used in many different scenarios. Insertion is an easy process to implement the algorithm for small data sets.


User Interface

//Create the file SAPMV45A.E0102.sjs inside your script folder to sort table values based on the column.

//Now, let's start adding the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.



  1. Add a push button Display Items, which triggers the function fetchItems on click.

    //Creates a pushbutton and executes the function fetchItems 
    pushbutton("F[Order]+[0,62]", "Display items", "?", {"process":fetchItems});
  2. Add three pushbuttons with labels Sort By Item, Sort By Material, and Sort By Quantity to sort the data. These pushbuttons are visible only after entering the order number and clicking the Display Items pushbutton.

    // If the array has data in it
    pushbutton([15,0], "&V[item_sel]Sort By Item ", "?", {"process":changeSort,"using":{"sort_type":"item"}});
    pushbutton([15,30], "&V[mat_sel]Sort By Material","?", {"process":changeSort,"using":{"sort_type":"material"}});
    pushbutton([15,60], "&V[qty_sel]Sort By Quantity", "?", {"process":changeSort,"using":{"sort_type":"quantity"}});
  3. Create a table with columns

    Create a table with the title “Line Items” and four columns as Item, Material, Quantity, and SU, as shown below.

    // Creates a table with four columns
    table([17,0], [26,50], {"name":"z_table", "title":"Line Items", "rows":item_array.length});
    column("Item", {"size":6,"name":"z_item", "table":"z_table"});
    column("Material", {"size":18,"name":"z_mat", "table":"z_table"});
    column("Quantity", {"size":15,"name":"z_qty", "table":"z_table"});
    column("SU", {"size":3,"name":"z_su", "table":"z_table"});
  4. Create a class for the item function

    // This function creates a class for Item
    function Item(itm,mat,qty,su){
    // Attributes of the class
    this.item = itm;
    this.material = mat;
    this.quantity = qty;
    this.sales_unit = su;
    // Function used to retrieve information on Item
    this.getInfo = function(){
    return "Item:"+this.item+", Material:"+this.material+", Quantity:"+this.quantity+", Sales Unit:"+this.sales_unit;

  5. Add a condition to sort the table values based on the columns.

    // Use insertion sort to sort the array
    case "material":

    // Sort By Material
    for(i=1; i<item_array.length; i++){

    while(i>0 && item_array[i-1].material>item_array[i].material){
    temp = item_array[i-1];
    item_array[i-1] = item_array[i];
    item_array[i] = temp;


    case "quantity":

    // Sort By Quantity
    for(i=1; i<item_array.length; i++){

    while(i>0 && parseInt(item_array[i-1].quantity)>parseInt(item_array[i].quantity)){
    temp = item_array[i-1];
    item_array[i-1] = item_array[i];
    item_array[i] = temp;


    case "item":

    // Sort By Item
    for(i=1; i<item_array.length; i++){

    while(i>0 && parseInt(item_array[i-1].item)>parseInt(item_array[i].item)){
    temp = item_array[i-1];
    item_array[i-1] = item_array[i];
    item_array[i] = temp;


    // Do nothing, the array is already sorted by Item

    // Fill out the table
    z_table.z_item[i] = item_array[i].item;
    z_table.z_mat[i] = item_array[i].material;
    z_table.z_qty[i] = item_array[i].quantity;
    z_table.z_su[i] = item_array[i].sales_unit;


    // This function will table scroll through the VA03 transaction and fetch the data from the table
    function fetchItems(){
    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.0102'
    goto FUNC_END;
    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'
    // Clear the value of item_array
    item_array = [];
    absrow = 1;
    enter("/ScrollToLine=&V[absrow]", {"table":"T[All items]"});

    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'
    gettableattribute("T[All items]",{"firstvisiblerow":"FVR", "lastvisiblerow":"LVR", "lastrow":"LR"});
    relrow = 1;
    println("absrow:"+absrow+", LVR:"+LVR+", LR:"+LR);
    // end of table?
    goto END_OF_TABLE;
    // end of screen?
    if(absrow>LVR) {
    goto NEW_SCREEN;

    set("V[z_temp_item]", "&cell[All items,Item,&V[relrow]]");
    set("V[z_temp_mat]", "&cell[All items,Material,&V[relrow]]");
    set("V[z_temp_qty]", "&cell[All items,Order Quantity,&V[relrow]]");
    set("V[z_temp_su]", "&cell[All items,SU,&V[relrow]]");

    // Push a new Item to the array
    item_array.push(new Item(z_temp_item,z_temp_mat,z_temp_qty,z_temp_su));

    goto NEW_ROW;


    enter('/ScrollToLine=1', {"table":"T[All items]"});

    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4001'


    function changeSort(param){
    onscreen 'SAPMV45A.0102'
    sorted = param.sort_type;
    if(sorted == "material"){
    item_sel = "";
    mat_sel = "@01@";
    qty_sel = "";
    else if(sorted == "quantity"){
    item_sel = "";
    mat_sel = "";
    qty_sel = "@01@";
    else if(sorted == "item"){
    item_sel = "@01@";
    mat_sel = "";
    qty_sel = "";


SAP Process

  1. Logon to SAP. Navigate to the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen (VA03). You can see a push button Display Items and a table with columns, as shown below.
  2. Now, enter an order number in the Order input field and click on the Display Items push button. This executes the function fetchItems and fetches the data from the table of the order you entered. The fetched data will be displayed in the table created on the initial screen along with three push buttons. Each push button will sort the table values according to the selection, as shown below.
    By Item

    Click on Sort By Item to sort table values based on the Item column values, as shown below.

    By Material

    Click on Sort By Material to sort table values based on the Material column values, as shown below.

    By Quantity

    Click on Sort By Quantity to sort table values based on the Quantity column values, as shown below.


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