3.4.7 Using Enterprise Profiles

The Enterprise implementation of Liquid UI includes a profile management feature. Profile Management enables your IT department to generate user profiles which are then installed on the individual device. These profiles include the license, so you do not need to individually install licenses for Liquid UI. Profile management offers enterprise IT departments the ability to perform the following functions:

The workflow of a managed profile is shown in the following diagram:

This process is explained as follows:


When you purchase the Enterprise edition of Liquid UI, you will receive a license file in SY3 format. This same license file will be used to generate all client profiles as long as the license is valid.

Profile Request

When a user needs a new profile, the user will send an email request to your company's IT department from within the Connection Manager in the Liquid UI client. This request will automatically include the unique device ID. You do not need to supply any additional information - the IT department will input the remainder of the requisite data to create the profile.

Profile Creation

When a request for a new profile is received, the IT department will use a Synactive tool called Profile Generator. This tool is included with all Enterprise editions of Liquid UI and will generate a profile containing all the requisite user, license, and SAP system information. The generated file will be in SY5 format. An example of the tool interface is shown below.

Profile Distribution

Once the profile has been created, IT will email the SY5 file to your device.

Profile Installation

After you have receive the email from IT containing the new profile, you will open the email and right-click on the attached SY5 file, choosing to open it with Liquid UI. Liquid UI will then automatically install the profile and the license.

Note: See the Removing Profiles section for instructions on removing profiles. The removal process is the same for both Enterprise and non-Enterprise customers.