Liquid UI - Documentation - 5.1.4 Supporting Workflows on Android Devices

5.1.4 Supporting Workflows on Android Devices

This article discusses how Liquid UI can help extend the SAP workflow capabilities of Android devices. SAP workflow automation eliminates manual intervention by executing a sequence of tasks within your SAP system.

Liquid UI simplifies the creation of SAP workflows by utilizing SY8 files that include the SAP transaction process and server connection details. To execute SY8 files on Liquid UI for Android, ensure the Auto Logon feature is enabled for the specific server connection in Liquid UI app settings. This will enable the automatic connection to the SAP server and the execution of the defined transaction process.

Here's how you can run the SAP workflow on your Android device:

  1. Import a demo SY8 file onto your device.
  2. Within your Liquid UI for Android, create an SAP connection with the same details as the SY8 file. Turn on the Auto Logon feature for smoother transactions.
  3. Navigate to your device's file manager and select the SY8 file. Open it with the Liquid UI for Android app.
  4. This action initiates the process of accessing your SAP account which will open the Edit Work Item window with the work ID provided in the SY8 file.
  5. If the app detects a matching connection without Auto Logon enabled, you'll receive an error message prompting you to complete the sign-in process to proceed with the workflow.
  6. If no matching connection is found, an error message will indicate Failed to execute the workflow, No matching connection found.

    Note: Activity steps encompass approvals, reviews, notifications, document processing, data entry, information retrieval, task assignment, and escalations, streamlining workflow execution.


Creating Workflows

How to create workflows

Creating Workflow Templates

How to create a workflow template in SAP.

Create Standard Tasks

How to create a standard task in SAP.

Defining Workflows

How to define a workflow in SAP.

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