Liquid UI - Documentation - 6.04 columnheader()

6.04 columnheader()


With columnheader(), you can change the name of the column in SAP table.

This command can change the column name in a table control in an SAP screen. It can also be used to add an icon and tooltip to a table header.

Note: columnheader can only be used on native SAP table columns. It will not work on Liquid UI table columns.


  • For Native SAP tables
    columnheader("Col_name", "new_Col_Name");

    This syntax below is used when there are multiple tables on the screen.

    columnheader("table_name, column_name","new_Col_name");

Available Options

The columnheader command does not take any options.


To show the usage of columnheader() command, we will use an existing table from VA02 Create Standard Order: Overview section that shows scenario of usage of this command:


Script Details


columnheader("All items,Material","Product");

Usage Details

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