Utilities 1 Utilities 2 Utilities 3


  • Work orders done on paper, resulting in delays and lost data
  • No automated tracking of time management
  • Reporting was difficult at best
  • Needed mobile solution for field workers to provide real-time data


  • Use Guixt to create a more logical flow and automate work order process
  • Provide direct SAP access with GuiXT on toughbook with touch screens for mobile workers
  • Screens consolidated and fields reduced, highly valuable in heavily modified screens such as hydrant flushing notifications


  • Field and office no longer burdened by 90,000 annual paper orders
  • Office staff can provide immediate and accurate information to customers
  • Supervisors have visibility and reporting access to work
  • Keep most development work in-house
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Extend use of GuiXT to other SAP modules