Liquid UI - Documentation - 2.3.24 Augmented Reality for SAP

2.3.24 Augmented Reality for SAP


Augmented Reality is a type of interactive simulation of the real world. This feature has embraced a variety of businesses and manufacturers because it increases operational efficiencies by reducing production downtime, quickly identifying problems, and maintaining processes. Augmented Reality has been explored for many Android applications.

Liquid UI using Augmented Reality (AR) allows SAP users to detect and recognize multiple objects using coarse classification, which builds live visual search experiences. Therefore, providing users with more information and context about the products or machines on which they are working.

Here, the built-in camera in your Liquid UI for Android devices acts as a scanner to detect and identify objects. Thus, Liquid UI's AR allows you to localize and identify the most prominent objects in an image or live camera feed in real-time. 

How to use

  1. Long press on any Input Field or table cell (available on Assist popup mode) to open the associated context menu and select AR, as shown below.

    For Input Fields:


    For table cells:

  2. To close the view and return to the transaction, click on the cancel button at the bottom right corner.

User Scenario

In this scenario, we are showcasing the Augmented Reality feature in the Liquid UI for Android app. Here we will show how this feature helps you count the objects and enter the value in the Order Quantity field on the VA02 Overview screen.

  1. Logon to SAP and navigate to the VA02 (Change Sales Order: Initial Screen). Enter the Order number in the Input Field and click Enter.
  2. You will navigate to the Change Sales Order: Overview screen. Long press on the ORDER QUANTITY field to open the associated assist pop-up window.
  3. Now, long-press on the Order Quantity Input Field on the pop-up to open the associated context menu and select AR.
  4. You will see the inbuilt camera activated and start scanning to visualize the items. Click pause to get the count of items.
  5. Click on DONE to enter the value in the Input Field.

    Note: Click the Play button to retry the scan if you didn't get accurate results.

  6. Select the TAB option to enter the count value in the Input Field and move the cursor to the next Input Field, as shown in the image.
  7. The following message appears if you have not installed a warehouse license on your device.

    Note: A valid warehouse license is required to use the AR feature. 

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