Liquid UI - Documentation - 19.04 Conversion of array data to grid data with to and fro navigation.

19.04 Conversion of array data to grid data with to and fro navigation.



This article guides you through the process of displaying an array of data in a grid format, enabling seamless bi-directional navigation on the screen, particularly when the data spans multiple pages. The demonstration is conducted using the SAP Easy Access screen and involves the following steps:

  1. Delete unnecessary screen elements on the SAP screen
  2. Add a group box to display array data
  3. Customize the screen if the notification array length is not blank
  4. Display the notification details on the next page
  5. Display the notification details on the previous page

User Interface

//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen, SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs

//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.


  1. Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen using the del().
    // Deletes the image container
  2. Add a group box labeled Notification Grid.
    // Creates a group box titled “Notification Grid”
    box([3,4], [13,69], "Notification Grid"); 
  3. Define three arrays with titles as notifications, not_Desc, and not_date with the required notification data.
    // Creates arrays with notification data
    var notifications = ["","10000101","10000102","10000103","10000104","10000105","10000106","10000107","10000108","10000109","10000110"]; 
    // array var not_Des = ["","first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh","eight","ninth","tenth"];
    // array var not_date = ["","01/01/2017","01/20/2017","02/10/2017","03/03/2017","04/05/2017","05/22/2017","06/25/2017","07/19/2017","08/20/2017","09/10/2017"];
    length_notif_array = notifications.length;
  4. Check whether the value in the variable z_rowsperpage is blank.
    // Adds a condition to check if the array is blank
    if(isBlank(z_rowsperpage)){   //initializing variables
       z_rows_notification = 1;
       z_limit_notification = 4;
       z_pageno_notification = 1;
       z_rowsperpage = 4;
  5. Verify if the length of the notification array is greater than zero. If the condition is met, execute the following script to customize the screen:
    //Verifying the length of the notification array 
       // calculates number of pages
       println("notification z_rowsperpage="+z_rowsperpage);
       z_notif_noofpages = length_notif_array/z_rowsperpage;
       z_number_pages = z_notif_noofpages;
       z_number_pages = z_number_pages.toString();
       z_index_notif = z_number_pages.indexOf('.');
       if(z_index_notif != -1){
          z_number_pages = z_number_pages.slice(0,z_index_notif);
          z_number_pages = parseInt(z_number_pages)+1;
          z_number_pages = parseInt(z_number_pages);
        // logic to display navigation buttons
          if(z_limit_notification <= z_rowsperpage){
             pushbutton([4,65], "@0E@",{ "process":z_next_notification, "size":[1,3], "fcode":"/n"});
             if(z_pageno_notification > 1){
                if(z_pageno_notification >= z_number_pages){
                   pushbutton([4,60], "@0D@",{ "process":z_previous_notification, "size":[1,3], "fcode":"/n"});
                pushbutton([4,60], "@0D@",{"process":z_previous_notification, "size":[1,3], "fcode":"/n"});
                pushbutton([4,65], "@0E@",{"process":z_next_notification, "size":[1,3], "fcode":"/n"});
    // assigning array values to text fields
       for(idx = z_rows_notification, z_notif_row = 0;idx <= z_limit_notification;idx++){
          text([5+z_notif_row,47],  not_Des[idx],{"size":20}); 
          text([5+z_notif_row,26], not_date[idx],{"size":15});
          text([5+z_notif_row,6], notifications[idx],{"size":15});
          z_notif_row = z_notif_row+2;
  6. Add a function to check if the variable value is blank.
    // Function to check if the string value is blank
    function isBlank(jvar){
       if(typeof jvar == 'string') {
          jvar = jvar.trim();
       if(typeof jvar == 'undefined') {
          jvar = '';
       return(jvar == 'undefined' || jvar == undefined || jvar == null || jvar == "" || jvar == void 0);
  7. Add a function to display the notification details on the next page.
    // Function to load next page of notification numbers
    function z_next_notification(){                    
          z_limit_notification = z_limit_notification + z_rowsperpage;
          z_rows_notification = z_rows_notification + z_rowsperpage;
          z_pageno_notification = z_pageno_notification+1;
  8. Add a function to display the notification details on the previous page.
    // Function to load previous page of notification numbers
    function z_previous_notification(){               
          z_limit_notification = z_limit_notification - z_rowsperpage;
          z_rows_notification = z_rows_notification - z_rowsperpage;
          z_pageno_notification = z_pageno_notification-1;

SAP Process

  1. Refresh the SAP screen to view the Notification Grid group box with 4 rows of notification data, as shown below.
  2. Click the forward arrow push button to view the next grid screen data.
  3. Click the backward arrow push button to view the previous grid screen data, as shown below.

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